Movie Trailer

                                         Movie Trailer  

The movie trailer was a project we’re we hade to pick a movie trailer and re make it the best we can. We had to pick a movie that jade to do with highschool.

My group was Eathan Goss, Brogan Best, Ava Clayton and Sean Slicer. The movie we had was Napoleon Dynamite. Eathan played as Napoleon and Ava, Brogan, Sean and me played different side characters in the trailer. Sean was the only editor because he was the only one who liked doing it. He was also really good at it. I helped with continuity and making sure the shot looked good. Ava helped with the camera a lot and Brogan brought all the props. There was actually a lot of different places in the trailer but we made it work really well with only a couple. 

I think our project turned out very well and Sean did a really good job editing. Eathan was also a great Napoleon and he did a really good job copying his voice and attitude. In the end I really liked the end peace.


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