Logo Color Schemes


               This logo uses analogous colors of green and yellow. I think this company probably chose these colors because they want people to think its environmental healthy.

This logo uses analogous colors of red, violet, blue. I think that the company chose these colors because it has to do with wine and wine is these colors.


This logo uses complementary colors of orange and blue. I think this company chose these colors because that drink is an orange flavored drink.

This logo uses complementary colors of orange of blue. I think this company chose these colors because blue tells people they can be trusted and the orange represents enthusiasm for people using the software.


This logo uses warm colors of red and orange. I think this company chose these colors because it serves hot food.

This logo uses warm colors of red and orange. I think this company chose these colors because red stands for energy.


This logo uses the cool color of blue. I think this company chose this color because it is cold and minty.

This logo uses the cool color of green. I think this company chose this color because its minty and mint plants are green.


This logo uses a monochromatic color of green. I think this company chose this color because green is the color for nature.

This logo uses a monochromatic color of brown. I think this company chose this color because their drink is brown.


This logo uses triad colors of red, blue, and yellow. I think this company chose these colors because they are also the primary colors.

This logo uses triad colors of orange and violet. I think that this company chose these colors because orange associates with happiness and they are secondary colors.


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