CSS and CARP Design

This week we did a web project with CSS stiles and CARP. it was a poem called "Another Reason Why I Don't Keep a Gun in the House." Even though it doesn't really have to do with having guns in the house, it just talks about a dog barking. we had a check list and we had to change thins like the type, color, and the font and letters. There were 11 sections with a certain amount of thing that we needed to change.

CONTRAST- Something that is different from everything else

ALIGNMENT- Aligned in a straight line, correct position.

REPETITION- Repeating something that has already been said or written.

PROXIMITY- Nearness in space, time, or relationship.

I learned how to use Dreamweaver better and I learned how to use some code. I'm not really in to web design but this project was kind of fun.


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