Music Video

                                             Music Video

The Music Video project was were there were teams of four and we got assigned a music video that we had to recreate. We recreated the song called The Man Who Sold the World. 

The people in my group were Carter Dalton, Cain Mayer, and Alex Tolman. The song didn’t have a music video so we hade to be creative and make our own video. We filmed outside on a sidewalk. Cain was the one who picked the song and he had a vision for what he wanted to do but I don’t think anyone caught on or knew what he wanted to do. But if we finished it, it would have been something like a sad kind of mood because the main character lost a friend. But then at the end they meet each other and it becomes happier.

I wasn’t the most satisfied with our video and we could have done a lot better. And it wasn’t finished so if we finished it would have been a lot better. No one knew what the song was so that was kind of hard to figure out what to do, but for the most part I think it wasn’t that bad.


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