2020 Updated Film Reel
This film reel was the updated version of my last one that had some of my sophomore work in it. But this time I only used this years work only with a couple of seconds from one of my sophomore films. The films that were featured were the Subway commercial and The Sandwich Hunt short film. They both had to do with sandwiches so I thought that it worked well but I also thought it didn't give enough variety. It basically told the story of a lighthearted situation portrayed in a serious way, but it's still funny. In the Subway commercial I was lighting and I also had to voice over when we lost the audio. In the sandwich hunt I was an actor and director. The cinematography in The Sandwich Hunt was slightly better in my opinion. Really only because the short film was longer so it had more variety in shots. But the lighting in both of them were pretty good. The shots of them on the bench in the commercial were done with a reflector and it gave off more light but still looking like...